Головна » 2018 » Липень » 22 » How to Give Great Blowjobs
How to Give Great Blowjobs

Guys love it when hookers give them blowjobs. Not just any blowjob, mind you. It has to be absolutely amazing, or else they won’t want to come back for a rerun. If you know you’re good at giving head but you want to become even better at it, we have some tips for you. We’re about to turn you into a blowjob expert!

Don’t rush it

There’s nothing worse than speeding up the whole oral sex experience. Your client will leave unsatisfied and he will write a negative review on your page. You want to avoid that, right? Then leave the pressure at the door and take your time when going down on your customer. Sex should never ever be rushed because in the end it’s all about quality rather than quantity.

Blow him at a slow pace, making sure you concentrate your attention on those parts of his dick that make him moan when you touch them with your mouth. If your client needs you to do it faster, he’s going to tell you.

Show enthusiasm

As soon as you start sucking your customer off, he’ll instantly know whether you like what you’re doing or not. Faking it can only get you so far before he realizes you’d rather be somewhere else. Our suggestion is to talk a bit with your date before giving him head. Allow him to show you his fun side and very soon you’ll want to make him feel good down under. If the magic isn’t there, and it continues to repeat with other clients, you’ll know what to tick off from your list of services.

In case you do love oral sex, it will show. First, in how you move your mouth, then in the moans he lets out. Don’t forget to also use your tongue to make him feel the most intense orgasm of his life.

Ask your date how he wants it

Communication is key, dear escorts, and it will get you far in the bedroom. Tell your client that you want to give him the time of his life and ask him how he likes his blowjobs. Once he gives an answer, get the party started! Does he moan especially loudly when your mouth hits a certain point? Focus on it more and spice things up with some testicle play. Is he going a bit quiet? Talk to your customer and try something different.

Try different techniques

Fellatio can be done in so many different ways with different results. For example, move one of your hands in time with your mouth. We promise your client will love it. If they don’t, you’ll know.

Next, you can wrap your lips around the head of his cock. Start moving slowly up and down, then stroke the frenulum with your tongue. The frenulum is a very sensitive part of a guy’s dick that responds to soft and light touches. You’ll have him wrapped around your little finger with this technique!

Deep throating is another method which brings the gents to their knees. You can mix it up with the other two we discussed just now to make things even more unforgettable.

Use the best position for you

Ever had back or neck pain during or after giving head? Then you know it can make the whole experience rather unpleasant for you. Try the following: tell your client to either sit up or stand up instead of lying down. You will not have to bend over anymore, plus he’ll enjoy the visual so much more. Play with his balls while you’re at it, he’ll be in heaven by the time you’re done.

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